Centax OPC Grape Seed Extract + Vitamin C
High-dose antioxidants to support health

The OPC content is particularly high in the grape seed extract from which this product was obtained. Almost no one knows what oligomeric proanthocyanidins (“OPC”) are. But the secondary plant substance belongs to the antioxidants that can neutralise free radicals in the body.
Nutritionists believe that free radicals can trigger oxidative stress in the body’s cells, contributing to many diseases and cell ageing. OPC is a means of combating free radicals in the body.
Ever since OPC was discovered in a study by Jack Masquelier in 1948, much research has been conducted on this compound, which is found in high concentrations in grape seeds, and also (in lower concentrations) in the red skins of peanuts, in ginkgo leaves and other plants.
It is not known whether the high consumption of grapes by some French winegrowers is responsible for the old age they often reach, but it is known that the seeds of red grapes, in particular, contain a lot of OPC.

By selecting special grapes and producing the grape seed extract precisely from these grapes, CENTAX OPC Grape Seed Extract succeeds in achieving 950 mg OPC in 1000 mg grape seed extract.
The pure OPC content is optimised by the addition of vitamin C and is considered a superfood. In the usual Centax quality, the capsules are well suited for continuous use. Due to the high dosage of OPC, Centax OPC Grape Seed Extract differs favourably from many preparations with a low dosage. Centax OPC grape seed extract is also readily available to the body.
It is not only the selection of high-quality grapes to extract the OPC that is the basis for the success of Centax OPC Grape Seed Extract, there is also the gentle processing and production of the extract that contains the active ingredient. The best of nature has been selected by Centax for this product. The Centax OPC grape seed extract capsules with vitamin C can make a valuable contribution to vital well-being.

Vitamin C trägt zu einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems, zur Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung sowie zum Schutz der Zellen vor oxidativer Schädigung bei.
Composition | Per Serving | %RM* |
Grape seed extract of which OPC | 1000 mg 950 mg | ** |
Vitamin C | 100 mg | 125 % |
* RM = Referenzmenge nach EU-Verordnung 1169/2011
** keine Empfehlung der EU vorhanden
Zutaten: Traubenkernextrakt, Überzugsmittel: Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, L-Ascorbinsäure (Vitamin C), Füllstoff: mikrokristalline Cellulose, Trennmittel: Magnesiumsalze der Speisefettsäuren.
Täglich 1 Kapseln unzerkaut mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit zu oder nach einer Mahlzeit verzehren.
90 Kapseln = 80 g
Die angegebene empfohlene Verzehrsmenge darf nicht überschritten werden. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sind kein Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung und gesunde Lebensweise. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren und nach Gebrauch gut verschlossen halten. Kühl, trocken und nicht über 25°C lagern.